Saturday, April 26, 2014

Rain Is Only Water

                                                A Rainy Day by Jacqueline Coote

Every time it rains, we feel glum, tired and just want to pull the covers over our heads.

Rain, like the problems we face in our daily lives, is a nuisance.  Some of the problems we want to solve and others we just want to hide from.  Hiding from a problem is not the answer.  Facing it is the answer.

Look at yourself in the mirror, not only to see if your makeup is correct, or the outfit you have on is flattering, but to get an  honest evaluation of yourself and your life.  Maybe there is something you want to do, but don't have the nerve to do it.  You've been disillusioned or discouraged by someone in the past and you have now decided "not" to attempt it any further. 

 A rainy day, can also give you a time to reflect. Maybe sitting in a comfy chair or sofa and sipping a hot cup of tea.  There are a lot of possibilities for change.  Why not take the opportunity to think about it while the rain comes down and prevents you from doing your other daily routines.  

Remember with rain comes new things, like the flowers that will soon be adorning your gardens with their lovely vibrant colors. 

Let the time you spend at home in the rain give you the opportunity to think about how you perceive  your life and how you would like to add more color to make a change.

Jacqueline Coote, Artist/Author

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